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Frequently Asked Questions

Is background removal free forever?

Yes, we plan to keep our background removal tool free forever.

How many background images do you have?

We have over 3 million background images. Use the search function in the editor to find the best background for your image.

My Background did not get fully removed?

Our AI model works fine for most images but sometimes you need use the editor to remove the remaining parts manually, in the other hand our AI is constantly being improved to produce better results!

What can I do after I've removed the background from my image?

You can download the image (usually in PNG format) or edit it to add a background or color of your choice.

What does a 429 error mean?

A 429 error means you've hit your request limit. Free users have lower limits. Premium users' limits depend on the purchased credits. If you see a 429 error, you've used up your credits. To avoid this, consider upgrading your subscription or buying more credits.

What if I'm not happy with the result after removing the background?

You can click on 'edit' and use the editor to further refine the image or restore parts of it.

Will there be a pro version?

Yes, we do have Premium subscriptions, Please do check our pricing page!

Can I use the www.rembg.com API?

Yes! Integrate our background removal into your software via our API. Manage API keys at www.rembg.com/api-usage.